I ate my wafer...


In reference to Metzger’s technology dilemma I would like to laugh and point out that I just finished setting up a wireless network in my parents house. So I can sit outside on the deck, sip on a beer and surf the internet…and since were the only cable internet customer in miles its oh, about three times faster than Comcast in Hillsdale.

Oh, and Prizio should go to Film School.

Oh, I just built a picking tool for Abloy locks, its pretty cool

I wanted to post something last week about Memorial Day, and never got around to it, what with my busy career as a slumlord in full swing. So, here it is. I went to Montpelier’s Memorial Day service with my parents last Monday, which is a typical small town, middle-America deal with the American Legion, boy scouts, high school band, etc. It is only a half hour, and I wasn’t really doing anything important, so I tagged along, and ran into the local historian, Allan Benjamin. He’s an interesting guy in general, but specifically he wanted to talk to my family about my grandfather Howard, as Mr. Benjamin has been reading through the local newspaper archives from the mid-1940’s, and wanted to talk about my Grandfather’s time in the military. The gist of the conversation was that after the war, my grandfather rarely discussed the horrific things he had seen, but instead only discussed the humorous aspects of the war, relating many amusing anecdotes, etc. Certainly I am aware of some of the places he fought at, and things that he did, but mainly I only know the humorous parts. Over the last year or so, I have read many of the letters that he wrote home, and they can be quite amusing, often opening with “Dear sis and censors”. There is mention in one letter that he constructed an AM radio out of the tubes used for Motorola walkie-talkies, and that he was listening to big band music with it while writing. I could tell an endless number of similar stories, but you can get the drift. Out of this conversation, I started thinking about the obvious fact that I have always associated myself with my Golding relatives and ancestors more strongly than with my Mother’s side of the family. Most recently, this has taken the shape of my arguments with my Maternal Grandfather over law school (he hates it). There are several possible reasons for this: I certainly spent more time with my Golding relatives when young, especially in a small boy’s mind the Grandfather Golding was more interesting (care to guess where the time-wasting mechanical hobbies come from?), etc. I don’t know what the real reasons are, I suppose that it is sad that I really don’t know my mom’s family that well. I would venture to say that while I love them dearly, and they are wonderful, successful, intelligent people, my Mom's family still fails to seem as interesting to me, especially from across the country. Put simply, at a basic level, I can look at the Golding legacies of elegant tools, the early 1800's family rifle, and even my grandfather's combat knife and feel emotionally attached, but I cannot think of a single similar item from my Mom's side. Somthing to think about anyway.