I ate my wafer...


So, I have a half-finished post about vaccination floating around, but rather than post it, I've decided to focus on the following quotation:

“there is no scientific proof that immunization prevents disease; that vaccinations cause more disease than they prevent; and that contracting an infectious disease is safer than immunization..”

Apparently, 1/3 of surveyed chiropractors agreed with that statement! What sort of new idiocy is this! I mean, the statement doesn't say that you're not likely, via herd immunity to contract a disease if you don't get the vaccination; it says that it is safer to contract, say polio, than to get the shot.

I've never been a big fan of chiropractors, frankly, I've long believed that what little good there is in manipulative therapy is limited to what a decent massage therapist or D.O. does. Besides the outright quackery, chiropractors try to set up patterns of repeat business that resemble psychological addiction. I've never heard of a financially successful chiropractor that didn't try to get his victims to come back every week, whether they needed it or not. There's a whole litany of other concerns, ranging from increased insurance costs and malpractice to lethal spinal injuries.

So, recommend that everyone checks out the various links and information available at chirobase (which is part of the EXCELLENT quackwatch family of websites).


  • I know several people who say things like this. Who "don't believe" in vaccination, I think in most of those cases it is more of a herd immunity thing rather than a belief that contracting a disease is better than getting a vaccine. I was still agog though. Esp. when one of these individuals implied that my childhood issues with allergies and the time I had Scarlett Fever had a direct and causal relationship with my getting vaccinated as a child.

    By Blogger TheAmber, at 5:36 PM  

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