I ate my wafer...


So, as most of you know yesterday was my birthday, and because the party lasted long into the night, I really don't feel like thinking too much today, and hence I'm writing here rather than working on my various papers and whatnot. I would like to point out that I didn't have nearly as big of night as Metzger had a couple weeks ago on his birthday, but it had some amusing moments (discussing quantum physics at 2 AM with two PhD'd Physicists, sprinting from the Highlands to Amber's house, etc, etc) Also, I love you guys but I hate finding half-full Solo cups in wierd places after people are over; if you get a drink, either drink it, or leave it somewhere normal, like a sink!. Oh, and if anyone talked to "bob327ss" on IM last evening, you WERE NOT talking to me! I didn't touch my computer from 11PM until after noon today. No wonder I don't feel like being productive today.

On a related note, most of you know that I always have a non-productive tinkering project in the works. (Locks, interfacing my laptop to my car's ECM, etc, etc, etc)Unfortunately, I'm between them right now and trying to find a new one. I will certainly take suggestions, but as of right now, the options are:

Converting my old NES into a computer....

Or building an AR-15 from scatch...(yes, its legal)